
Modest meaning by definition is:

  • Dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention (typically used of a woman).
  • Unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements.

Modesty is to be modest, meaning showing the traits of the the definition of the word modest. Women are commanded to be modest, not only for herself but for others around her. Women were created with a beauty that men naturally are drawn to, it only makes sense since the Father created women for man. With that being said it is highly important for women to consider all the men around her and if she is in fact being modest.

Scripture teaches us that ALL men (man and women) have fallen short of the glory of Yahweh and need saving. One of the most prevalent short comings is Lust man has for women. Yahweh said that Adultery is a sin. Yeshua further said even thinking about adultery is a sin. Yeshua is teaching us that their is an inner heart issue beyond what you see.

knowing this, being a women, modesty should be of high importance. Immodesty could cause men around to fall short of Yahweh’s glory. How horrible is that. Why would any women intentionally want to cause others to fall?. Forgive them they know not what they do comes to mind. I once dressed and acted inmost and I’m sure, caused many to stumble, but yet I have been forgiven following my repentance. Since my repentance I have been shown the huge error in being immodest.

When a women wears clothing that reveals her body she is knowingly or unknowingly being a whore and causing men around her to be whoremongers. Scriptures warns us that no one practicing whoredom nor whoremongering will share in the inheritance of the Kingdom. That is a huge responsibility that women have in society. Not only can she endanger her inheritance but also the men that pass by her. The consequences are big. Listen to the audio below , Devine Revelation of Hell by M.K Baxter. You do not want to punishment that is guaranteed to those who practice evil. There is only a short while where warnings are issued before the time is up.



Nowadays women dress FAR from anything modest. It has become the norm to walk around in nearly nothing. Leggings are popular and look like the women has nothing on. Some how bras have become shirts!?
The video below  is really inspiring. Women share testimonies of their journey from being immodest to modest. It truly is a change of mind. Modesty starts from within and reflects outward.